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315 Graduate Faculty Membership

Authority: Approved by the Board of Trustees

The graduate faculty have the responsibility of guiding the university’s mission at the graduate level, establishing the policies and procedures of graduate studies, and fostering the development and maintenance of high quality graduate education.

Last Updated: July 29, 2022
315.1.1 Regular Graduate Faculty
  • 315.1.1.1  Faculty Appointment.  At the time of appointment all regular faculty with terminal degrees will be granted graduate faculty membership. 
  • 315.1.1.2  Current Faculty.  Current associate and regular members of the graduate faculty will automatically become members of the graduate faculty with the endorsement to chair thesis and/or doctoral committees.  
  • 315.1.1.3  Initial Appointment.  The initial appointment will qualify the faculty member to teach graduate classes, to serve on thesis/dissertation committees and to serve on the Graduate Council and the subcommittees of the Council. 
  • 315.1.1.4  Review of Graduate Faculty Membership.  Review of graduate faculty membership may occur at the request of the department chair, college dean, program director or Director of Graduate Studies and will be conducted by the Graduate Faculty Subcommittee of the Graduate Council of the University Faculty Senate.
  • 315.1.1.5  Endorsement to Supervise or Chair Scholarly or Creative Projects, Theses, or Dissertations.  An endorsement to chair or supervise scholarly or creative projects, theses, or dissertations is granted separately from graduate faculty status by a vote of a departmental committee (if applicable), approval of the department chairperson and appropriate academic dean. To qualify for the endorsement to chair or supervise scholarly or creative projects, thesis, or dissertation committees graduate faculty members must work with a graduate faculty mentor appointed by their department, serve on scholarly or creative project, thesis, or dissertation committees, and complete training on the responsible conduct of research and online Graduate Research Training. 
  • 315.1.1.6  Review of Endorsement to Supervise or Chair Scholarly or Creative Projects, Theses, or Dissertations.  Review of the endorsement to supervise or chair scholarly or creative projects, theses, or dissertations may occur at the request of the department chair, college dean, program director or the Director of Graduate Studies and will be conducted by the Graduate Faculty Subcommittee of the Graduate Council.
315.1.2 Emeritus Graduate Faculty

Faculty who are a regular member of the graduate faculty at the time of retirement will be granted Emeriti Graduate Faculty membership and have the rights and privileges of regular graduate faculty thereafter.

315.1.3 Term-Limited Graduate Faculty

An individual may be appointed for a limited period as a member of the graduate faculty.  This faculty member must be at least one of the following:

  • 315.1.3.1  Regular Faculty With Terminal Degree.  Regular faculty with an earned doctorate or other terminal degree in the field of specialization, or a regular faculty who has an earned master’s degree and has distinguished themselves in teaching, research, and /or service, but do not meet the requirements for Graduate Faculty membership; or
  • 315.1.3.2  Regular Faculty With All But Dissertation Completed.  Regular faculty or newly hired faculty with all but dissertation completed who are actively working toward a doctorate;
  • 315.1.3.3  Lecturers.  Lecturers at Indiana State University who have expertise for a specified graduate course or graduate thesis or dissertation committee; or
  • 315.1.3.4  Professionals.  Professionals who are not tenure-line faculty at Indiana State University, but have expertise for specified graduate courses, or graduate committees.
  • 315.1.3.5  Assignment of Term-Limited Faculty.  A faculty member may teach graduate courses, supervise practicums/clinicals, and may serve on thesis/dissertation committees.  A faculty member will not be granted the endorsement to chair theses/dissertations.
  • 315.1.3.6  Term of Appointment.  The appointment is usually for the lesser of five years or the term requested, with the exception for Ph.D. dissertation committees.  
  • 315.1.3.7  Reappointment.  Reappointment is unlimited, but the duties are limited to those described in the application packet at the time of appointment.
315.1.4 Ex-Officio Graduate Faculty

Ex-officio graduate faculty membership may be granted to university administrators who do not hold faculty rank.  The membership qualifies the administrator to teach graduate courses and to serve on and direct graduate committees. Ex-officio graduate faculty will maintain the title without need for reapplication as long as the person maintains the administrative position.

  • 315.1.4.1  Administrators.  All university administrators who have a tenure-track faculty position and ex-officio graduate faculty membership will automatically become members of the graduate faculty with the endorsement to chair thesis and/or doctoral committees.
315.1.5 Appeal Procedure

In cases where an appeal is to be made regarding granting graduate faculty status, the Graduate Council of the University Faculty Senate is the body to which the appeal should be directed. In cases where an appeal is to be made regarding the probation or revocation of graduate faculty status, the Office of the Provost is where the appeal should be directed.

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